

Rhinoplasty, (or nose job) is a surgical procedure for reshaping the nose. It can be used to correct both functional and cosmetic issues with the nose. This surgery can reduce the size of the bump on the bridge of the nose, change its shape or narrow it to improve breathing. It can also change the angle between your upper lip and your nose.

Though it is not recommended for those under 18, rhinoplasty offers significant benefits such as improved breathing, a more symmetrical appearance of your face and improved self-esteem! However, there are some risks involved including infection and reaction to anesthesia. You should always consult with your doctor about these risks before making a decision.

Additionally, there are several different techniques that may be employed during a rhinoplasty procedure (depending on what needs to be fixed). These include open rhinoplasty which involves making an incision across the tip of your nose; closed rhinoplasty which does not involve any external cuts; cartilage grafting which involves taking cartilage from either inside or outside of your body; septal reconstruction which involves repairing damaged tissue in between nasal cavities; and alarplasty which reduces nostril width.

Moreover, recovery time varies depending on whether you opt for an open or closed technique but usually takes anywhere between two weeks to three months. During this time you will likely experience swelling, bruising and discomfort at the site of surgery but these effects should gradually reduce over time. Furthermore, you may need to wear a splint for up to seven days following surgery in order for healing to occur properly!

Overall, rhinoplasty has helped many people achieve their desired look while providing numerous health benefits too. To ensure you get optimal results from this procedure though it's important that you find an experienced surgeon who can perform it safely and effectively! Consequently, taking all factors into consideration before undergoing this type of surgery is essential. Ultimately though if done correctly it can provide life-changing results that last!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Rhinoplasty is a type of plastic surgery that alters the shape, size, and/or position of the nose.
Rhinoplasty can be performed for both cosmetic and medical reasons. It is commonly used to improve one’s appearance or correct breathing issues caused by structural defects.
As with any surgical procedure, there are certain risks associated with rhinoplasty. These include infection, scarring, numbness, excessive bleeding, and asymmetry.
Recovery time following rhinoplasty varies depending on the individual's healing process and complexity of the procedure. Most patients return to their normal activities within two weeks but may experience swelling or bruising for several months after surgery.
Whether or not insurance covers rhinoplasty depends on the specific policy and reason for getting it done (i.e., cosmetic vs medical). In some cases it may be partially covered if deemed medically necessary.