Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast augment(ation) is a process used to (increase) the size and shape of a woman's breasts. It can be done through surgic(al) implantation or by using fat grafting. The decision to under(go) this procedure is personal, and should not be taken lightly! There are many pros and cons that must be considered before making such a life-changing decision.

Firstly, there are distinct benefits associated with breast augmentation such as improved self-confidence, an enhanced figure and increased clothing options. For some women it may also help boost their overall sense of wellbeing. Moreover, modern techniques have made the surgery safer than ever before - minimising risks for infection and other complications.

However, while there are significant advantages to the procedure, it’s important to remember that nothing comes without risks. There could be postoperative pain or discomfort which could last several weeks after the operation. In some cases, patients may end up with unevenly sized or shaped breasts due to scarring or other issues related to the surgery itself. Additionally, it should be noted that breast implants don’t last forever—sooner or later they will need replacing in order to maintain results.

All things considered, anyone considering breast augmentation ought to do their own research on all aspects of the process before committing themselves - after all it's not something you can easily take back! Ultimately though, only you know what's best for you so make sure you weigh up your options carefully!


Frequently Asked Questions

Breast augmentation is a plastic surgery procedure that increases the size and shape of the breasts with implants or fat transfer.
The risk of complications from breast augmentation include infection, tissue death, implant rupture, capsular contracture, and asymmetry.
The cost of a breast augmentation procedure can vary depending on factors such as type of implant used, location of procedure, and surgeon's fees. On average, this procedure costs between $5,000 - $10,000 USD.
Breast implants come in various shapes and sizes including round or teardrop shaped silicone or saline filled implants.
Alternatives to traditional breast augmentation include fat grafting (fat transfer) which involves harvesting fat from another area of your body and injecting it into the desired area.