Breast Augmentation

Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation (or mammoplasty) is a surgical procedure that increases the size and shape of a woman's breasts. It can be used to improve symmetry, correct asymmetry or improve projection. There are various techniques for performing breast augmentation surgery, including implants and fat transfer.

Implants are silicone shells filled with either saline solution or silicone gel. The implant is inserted underneath the breast tissue or chest muscle to create a fuller look. Fat transfer involves taking fat from other areas of the body – such as abdomen, hips or thighs – and injecting it into the breasts to increase their volume.

The recovery period after breast augmentation is usually quite short; most women return to their normal activities within one week! Patients should expect some pain and discomfort in the days following surgery, but this will subside as they heal. Additionally, swelling and bruising may occur but these should diminish over time.

It is important to note that breast augmentation does not come without risks! Complications can include infection, scarring, changes in sensation and difficulty breastfeeding later on in life. Patients must also take extra care when engaging in strenuous physical activity as this could lead to rupture of an implant.

Furthermore, patients should understand that breast augmentation results are not permanent; the implants may need replacing at some point down the line due to aging or weight fluctuations. However, with proper care and maintenance your results can last for many years!

Overall, breast augmentation can provide women with improved confidence in their appearance if done properly by a qualified medical professional. Nevertheless it is important that all potential candidates weigh up both benefits and risks before undergoing such a procedure!

To conclude, while breast augmentation carries certain risks it can be an effective way to enhance one's self-image if performed responsibly - however ultimately it is up to each individual woman whether she wishes to pursue this type of treatment!


Frequently Asked Questions

The cost of breast augmentation surgery varies depending on a variety of factors, such as the type of implant used and the complexity of the procedure. On average, it can range from $3,500 to $10,
Common types of implants used for breast augmentation include saline and silicone implants. Both come in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit individual needs.
Yes, there are potential risks associated with any kind of surgery, including infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in skin sensation and nerve damage. Additionally, some patients may experience hardening or wrinkling around the implant site over time.
Recovery times vary from person to person but typically require at least a few weeks before returning to normal activities; however complete healing can take up to several months.
Yes, during recovery you should avoid strenuous activities that could place strain on your chest muscles or put pressure on the incision sites; also sun exposure to prevent excessive scarring is advised for one year following your procedure